Mass Notification in Schools and Its Implementation

Mass Notification in Schools

Our society has changed, and today campus security is a greater concern than ever. Schools face threats of violence from within as well as from the outside making the campus especially difficult to secure. Just as threats have changed, campus security has also changed and evolved. One of the tools many campuses are now implementing is mass notification in schools.

What is Mass Notification In Schools?

In some regard, any system that emits an alarm and calls people to action is a mass notification system. A fire alarm system is a type of mass notification in school because it alerts building occupants to the danger of fire which prompts the evacuation of the building.

A comprehensive mass notification in school pushes emergency messages and specific instructions across one or more platforms such as email and text to reach a large audience and prompt immediate directed reaction. The biggest advantage is that a mass notification system is flexible; it covers any type of disaster or critical emergency and instructs people about what to do. Like a fire alarm system, a mass notification system gets people's attention and prompts action. However, unlike a fire alarm system, which only notifies the people of a fire inside a single building, a mass notification system reaches people in a community or set of buildings, both inside and out. It is also able to deliver specific response directions

How to Implement a Mass Notification In Schools?

Every campus has unique security needs but each of them has the need for comprehensive and layered emergency mass notification. If you are considering implementing a mass notification in schools system, here are some important first considerations.

  • What are the audiences within your organization and the surrounding community?
  • How will you ensure that messages are delivered in a timely fashion?
  • What message delivery systems are currently available?
  • Will you create pre-approved messages in advance or sign off on each message before it is sent?
  • How do you delineate test messages, emergency alerts and all clear notifications?

Communication is critical in an emergency. If you have questions about mass notification or its implementation, please call SSP today. Headquartered near Atlanta, Georgia we offer design, installation and service to local, regional and national clients. Call us today! 1-888-540-0175